Scientific equipment for climate research, industrial measurements and air quality analysis


Reliable, accurate and precise monitoring and logging of real-time concentrations and median particle sizes of airborne dust, smoke, mist and fumes as well as the detection of fugitive emissions (organic and inorganic compounds) for Method 21 compliance, LDAR applications and site remediation.


Thermo Fisher Scientific portable air samplers utilizes the highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology. The intensity of the light scattered by airborne particles passing through the sensing chamber is linearly proportional to their concentration. This optical configuration produces optimal response to particles, providing continuous measurements of the concentrations of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.

The toxic vapor analyzers are equipped with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) to measure organic compounds with high sensitivity. The FID technology allows for a wide dynamic and linear range that produces stable and repeatable responses. The analyzer can be configured with both FID and Photo Ionization Detection (PID) technology for simultaneous detection and enhanced analytical capabilities. This dual configuration is capable of producing a more rapid reading of organic and inorganic compounds as opposed to a single detector technology and provides more comprehensive gas coverage than comparable size PID analyzers and FID analyzers.

Thermo Fisher Scientific industrial hygiene instruments

Thermo Scientific Personal DataRAM™ pDR-1500 aerosol monitor

Concentrations measurements of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.

  • utilizes highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology to measure airborne particles (particulate collection on filter media)
  • volumetric flow control
  • modular optics and long-life primary HEPA filter for simple servicing
  • features interchangeable cyclones for superior particle-cut points available for PM10 & PM4 or PM2.5 & PM1
  • applications: fugitive dust monitoring, exposure modeling, personnel exposure monitoring

Thermo Scientific ADR1500 area dust monitor

Concentrations measurements of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.

  • utilizes highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology to measure airborne particles
  • volumetric flow control
  • modular optics and long-life primary HEPA filter for simple servicing
  • features interchangeable cyclones for superior particle-cut points available for PM10 & PM4 or PM2.5 & PM1
  • durable weather-proof IP65 enclosure and designed for ease of transport and installation
  • applications: fugitive dust monitoring, exposure/area monitoring and toxicology & epidemiological (asthma) studies

Thermo Scientific TVA2020 toxic vapor analyzer

Detect fugitive emissions of organic and inorganic compounds for Method 21 compliance, LDAR applications and site remediation.

  • measures organic compounds with high sensitivity allowing a wide dynamic & linear range that produces stable, repeatable responses
  • only intrinsically safe, portable field analyzer using both Flame Ionization Detection (FID) and Photo Ionization Detection (PID) technologies
  • can be configured as an FID analyzer or dual detection FID & PID analyzer
  • compatible with LeakDAS® and Guideware®  (LDAR)
  • applications: method 21 (fugitive emissions) or LDAR monitoring under EPA 40 CFR Part 60


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